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Our Psychology Team Offers

Couples Therapy in Calgary

Though it may seem like a simple gesture, your act of reading these words signifies the courageous first moves towards creating positive change in your relationship or marriage.

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We're All Unique

Our experienced team is dedicated to nurturing and strengthening the bonds that unite couples on their journey towards lasting and meaningful connections.


Our caring therapists understand that every relationship is unique, and we are here to provide a compassionate and supportive environment for couples seeking growth and positive change.

Should We Get Couples Therapy?

Although every relationship is different, there are some signs to tell you when to ask for help...

​These signs may include a lack of sexual interest, a decrease in quality time spent together, the impact of an affair or betrayal, a decreased ability to manage conflicts effectively, or the sense that you have simply forgotten how to love one another.


Changes in your relationship can be daunting, but they also present an opportunity for personal and mutual growth. Couples counselling in Calgary or (Marriage counselling in Calgary) delves into unhelpful relationship patterns and works toward a more positive experience.


Sometimes, individuals are too close to their situations to see them objectively and having a third party to listen and provide an unbiased perspective can be immensely beneficial. Your relationship issues may not be as insurmountable as they seem – they might just require some guidance, and that's where we come in!

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Why Wait?

When Should We Seek Marriage Counselling?

This definitely varies for each couple, but some common recurring themes are decreased sexual interest or infidelity; an increase in fighting without resolution; difficulty communicating current and future needs and plans; perpetual gridlock on certain issues; difficulties in parenting; loss of friendship within the couple dynamic; an erosion of interests or values; and negative behaviours, like gambling. If something is interfering with marital happiness, counselling may be the solution. You can even start with a simple quiz like this.

What Happens at Couples Counselling?

Firstly, you can book a 15-minute, no-obligation consult with a psychologist in Calgary to determine the best way to proceed and what you would be looking for in a therapist. Remember, our entire organization has always been open and welcoming to all relationships – married, common-law, lesbian, gay, and all other LGBTQ minorities – and is a completely judgment-free zone.

From there, we will guide you through combined and individual interviews and sessions, in order to get to the heart of the issues you are experiencing and tailor treatments to your specific situation. We use techniques such as The Gottman Method to deliver verified, proven techniques that will help improve the aspects of your relationship that need it.

What Does Marriage Counselling Even Do?

Marriage counselling helps identify and isolate problematic systems and patterns in relationships, which are often hard to see when you’re in the middle of them. It relies heavily on research and evidence-based practices. The presence of a neutral third-party witness often helps people see their relationship from a different perspective.​


Marriage counselling offers a way to better resolve conflicts and strengthen foundations, so that future conflicts are resolved more quickly and with a lessened negative effect. Often, it helps couples feel more connected, and many report that they understand each other’s values and opinions much better.

How Does Marriage Counselling Work?

The process typically starts with an assessment of the relationship, either informal or formal. One of our favourite methods for this is the Gottman Relationship Checkup, based on the work of Drs. John and Julie Gottman. They have a high focus on building foundations for strong marriages, and the Checkup includes an interview with both members of the couple and a psychologist, as well as an online assessment.


Next is when the therapist meets with each person individually, if they would like to do that. This includes getting information on previous relationships, and some family history in order to build a better context database.


Step 3 is where we roll up our sleeves, in order to work on skills-based content that has been discovered during the previous assessment phase. After that, it’s time to enter into more active treatment, based on any “red flags” we’ve found – this entails heavy work in those areas, leading to corrections and, hopefully, lasting changes and a healthy relationship.

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Going to Therapy Before Dating?

Yes, this has been on the rise in recent years. One of the factors contributing to this shift in dating behaviour is the slowly-reducing stigma around mental health and treatments. Once upon a time, bringing up a therapist on a first date was a recipe for disaster – but now, it is often viewed as just another part of a person’s health and wellness routine.  To learn more we go further in-depth in one of our blog posts.

Different Types of Relationship Therapy

We provide a variety of couples therapy and marriage counselling options tailored to address the specific needs of each partnership. Our Calgary clinic's diverse approaches offer valuable insights and effective tools to navigate challenges and foster introspection within your relationship.


Many of our psychologists are trained in Level 1 Gottman's.  Phoenix and Martina are trained in both Level 1 & Level 2 Gottman's Training.


Dr. Phoenix Brill also offers Marathon Couples Therapy in the Bragg Creek and Calgary area.

Our 3 Main Approaches to Couples Therapy

1) Gottman Method

This evidence-based method focuses on enhancing relationship satisfaction through proven assessments and interventions. By prioritizing key principles and communication strategies, couples can build emotional intelligence and strengthen their connection. The Gottman Method offers a concise yet impactful framework for fostering trust, intimacy, and lasting fulfillment in relationships.

2) Emotion Focused Couples Therapy

Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT) is a dynamic therapeutic approach that prioritizes emotions to bring about positive change. Developed by Drs. Sue Johnson and Les Greenberg, EFT helps couples process emotions effectively, fostering improved self-experience and relational dynamics. This method, focused on attachment and bonding patterns, aims to create secure and fulfilling connections through empathetic exploration and targeted interventions. EFT provides a pathway to emotional resilience and enhanced satisfaction in relationships.

3) Customized Approach

A customized approach is taken when the presenting concerns are complex, historical, or extremely perpetual to allow the therapist and the couple to utilize interventions that will provide the most relief to couples in distress. At times couples present for divorce avoidance counselling, but do not yet know if they are looking to stay together. This requires a lengthier beginning stage of counselling to help the couple discover their commitment to each other and their relationship. The therapists at Flourish have specific training in modalities for both couples and individuals that can be utilized using this combination, customized approach. For example, some couples have unresolved trauma that needs to be concurrently addressed while the work of couples counselling is occurring.

Scheduling a Couples Counselling Session in Calgary

Scheduling your first couples counselling session in Calgary is simple and convenient. We aim to make the process as seamless as possible – here's an outline of how it’s done:

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15-Minute Consultation

Start by filling out our user-friendly online contact form, which will set you up with a free 15-minute consultation with a therapist of your choice. That’s where you’ll briefly share your personal concerns and what you hope to achieve. It also gives us the opportunity to make sure we’re a good fit for you, too.


Choose Your Therapist

After your free consultation, take the time to reflect on your experience and decide if you feel comfortable and connected with the therapist you spoke with. If so, you can book your first therapy session. If not, we can try someone else, or recommend a different clinic if we feel we cannot provide you with what you need.


Choose Appointment

Choose the format – in-person or online – that best suits your comfort level and circumstances.  Our virtual sessions are always secure, confidential, and convenient, but if you aren't a fan of online and would prefer face-to-face interactions, we'll warmly welcome you for your appointment!

  • How much does therapy cost?
    Therapy ranges from 175-250 dollars per hour, depending on your provider, level of education, and training. Total cost will depend on the severity of difficulties you are experiencing, and the length of treatment required. Pricing is set by the Psychologist's Association of Alberta
  • Is counselling covered by my health insurance?
    Yes! Typically your private health insurance such as Blue Cross, SunLife, Manulife will cover the cost of qualified registered therapist such as Psychologist. Check with your insurance to see what benefits you are entitled to. Benefits typically reset at the end of the year or in April. Make the most of your benefits! Read our blog: "Are Calgary Psychological Services Covered By Benefits?"
  • Do you offer direct billing?
    At this time we can direct bill Blue Cross, and Green shield. We hope other insurance providers will soon offer this convenient option as well. If you are with a different company because we do all invoices and subsequent receipts electronically, you can submit your claims and most clients report to us that they are reimbursed quite quickly.
  • How do I know which therapist to pick?
    There is good research to suggest that a good "fit" between you and your therapist is a prime driver in whether you will get the most out of therapy. We recommend you browse the therapist's profiles and choose someone who resonates with you, and specializes in what you are most concerned about.
  • What form of payment do you accept?
    We accept all major credit cards, e-transfers, cheque or cash. Payment is due the day services are rendered.
  • What is Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART)
    ART incorporates a combination of techniques used in many other traditional psychotherapies. ARTworks directly to reprogram the way in which distressing memories and images are stored in the brain so that they no longer trigger strong physical and emotional reactions. ART accomplishes this through the use of rapid eye movements similar to eye movements that occur during dreaming. Although techniques similar to these are used in other types of therapies. ART’s very specific and directive approach can achieve rapid recovery from symptoms and reactions that may have been present for many years. ART combines long respected, sound treatment practices with safe and effective methods validated by current scientific research studies conducted by the University of South Florida.
  • Will therapy work for me?
    While individual therapy can be highly beneficial for many people, its effectiveness depends on your willingness to engage in the process and work collaboratively with your therapist. If you go in with an open mind and a real dedication to self-improvement, chances are very good that you’ll see positive results.
  • How do I find the right therapist for me?
    Your free 15-minute consultation allows you to connect with potential therapists and determine the best fit for you. It seems unnecessary but this is a vital step in establishing a strong relationship of trust and healing.
  • Can I get free individual counselling?
    We currently do not offer free counselling services. However, many health insurance plans cover our services, and we strive to provide affordable and accessible therapy options to accommodate various financial situations. Read more on our main FAQ page.
  • How do I know if I need individual therapy?
    If you find yourself facing personal challenges, emotional distress, relationship difficulties, or simply seeking personal growth, individual therapy can be a valuable resource to help you navigate these concerns and foster positive changes in your life.
  • What is individual counselling?
    Individual counselling is one form of therapy where a skilled and educated therapist meets with you one-on-one to explore your experiences and your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs in a safe and confidential space. The goal of individual therapy is to help you gain insight and new perspectives into your challenges, develop adaptive coping skills, and make positive lasting changes in your life.
  • How long does personal counselling take?
    The length of personal counselling varies based on your needs and goals that you want to achieve. Some people may only need a small amount of sessions to address a specific issue, while other people may require more extensive treatment over a longer period of time. Your therapist will work with you to figure out a treatment plan that is tailored to your individual needs.
  • What types of issues can individual counselling help with?
    Individual counseling can help with a wide range of issues, including anxiety, depression, stress, relationship problems, self-esteem, grief and loss, trauma, and addiction. It can also be helpful for those facing major life transitions, ie., divorce or retirement. Most everyone benefits from having a neutral party listen to their experiences and help gain new perspectives.
  • What can I expect during my own session?
    During an individual counselling session in Calgary, you can expect to have an open and honest conversation with your therapist about your concerns. Your therapist will ask additional questions to gain a better understanding of your situation. Your therapist may recommend resources such as books, articles, or videos for you to look at in between sessions. Sessions are typically 50-60 minutes long and are held on a regular basis, usually weekly or bi-weekly or monthly.
  • How do I know if individual counselling is right for me?
    Individual counselling can be a very beneficial form of therapy for anyone who is looking to improve their mental health and wellbeing. If you are struggling with a certain issue or are experiencing symptoms of anxiety or depression, individual counselling could be a good option for you to look into. It is important to find yourself a therapist who you feel comfortable talking to and who has significant experience in treating your specific concerns.
  • What's your couples counselling strategy based on?
    Our couples counseling therapy is based on the world-renowned Gottman Institute methodology of marriage and relationship therapy. This service begins with a thorough assessment; including interviews both together and individually, as well as a number of online assessments. The assessment takes 4-6 hours. After you have received feedback from the assessment we will work together to overcome weaknesses in the relationship. Treatment length varies depending on your unique relationship needs.
  • How much does couples counselling cost in Calgary?
    Prices range due to a variety of factors, and is set at a provincial level by the Psychology Association of Alberta. The usual price is between $220-$250 per 60-minute session. However, the actual cost to you might be substantially lower or even zero, since nearly all benefits plans cover services delivered by a registered therapist. We can even direct bill several of them, such as Blue Cross and Green Shield. Check your insurance documentation to see what you are entitled to, and you can find more specific information summarized here.
  • Do you also offer marriage counselling?
    Yes. Marriage counselling and couples counselling are very similar. All marriages are couples but not all couples are married. Many of the same methods used to help couples in common law or longterm relationships are also used for couples who are married. Learn All About Marriage Counselling in our blog!
  • Is marriage counselling covered by insurance?
    Yes! As we’ve mentioned before, we are registered professionals – which means most insurance plans cover our services. Depending on the company, you can direct bill (as we do), but otherwise you can submit the receipts to your insurance provider.
  • Is marriage counselling free?
    Unfortunately it is not, but the costs are usually covered by insurance. Read more on our blog about benefits.
  • Is marriage counselling tax deductible?
    This is a bit of a grey area, as it depends on what province you live in. In Alberta, psychologist services are considered a tax-deductible medical expense, but someone who is solely a marriage and family therapist is not. Follow the information on the Government of Canada site for more information.
  • How many marriage counselling sessions will be needed?
    This varies quite a bit from one couple to another. If the sessions are in response to a big crisis, they will need more than if it is simply some maintenance issues. It’s very difficult to give even a ballpark figure.
  • Will marriage counselling help save my marriage?
    The key word here is “help”. Counselling is just one part of a marriage success strategy that involves additional effort on the part of both spouses. If you are willing to put the work in, take the counsellor’s advice, and make things better, you will have much different results than if you have already made up your mind beforehand about ending the relationship. We do good work, but we can’t perform miracles!
  • Why does marriage counselling fail?
    The biggest reason that people don’t get the results they want is that they don’t put in the necessary effort, but it may also come down to a lack of financial resources, or a complete disconnection of goals and communication on one side of the relationship. Mutual respect and motivation are minimum requirements for success. You can read more about getting the most out of therapy sessions here.
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